Cadac BBQ at BBQ World strives to bring you only the highest quality in outdoor bbq gear. That's why we're proud to offer Cadac barbecues.
These bbq machines hail from South Africa, where cookouts are called braais and happen on a regular basis. For that reason, you can be sure that most Cadac barbecues are built to be portable barbecues and designed to withstand extensive use.
Experienced Craftsmanship
The Commercial and Domestic Appliance Company (CADAC) has been manufacturing these superb devices since 1957. After over 50 years in the business, they're become a household name in their home country, proving that they certainly know how to make a mean machine. At BBQ World, we stock several of their top sellers for our UK customers, including the:
Safari Chef LP - This mini barbecue has a five way cooking system, one of which utilises its lid as a saucepan. Adding to this versatility, the foldaway support legs and carry case have made it a favourite amongst outdoor enthusiasts too.
Skottel Braai - A gas-powered, three-piece appliance should be a staple for live sport supporters and festival goers. As an added benefit, a non-stick, wok-like plate is fitted directly onto a CADAC bottle and burner, enabling the user to fry up anything in minutes.
Carri Chef 2 Dome - With two interchangeable work surfaces - a pot stand and BBQ top - this CADAC barbecue can turn adventure cooking into fine dining. Consequently, it's ideal for bigger functions and is easy to assemble, weighing only 18kgs to make it transportable.
Stratos 2B Black - For those who prefer entertaining from home, this stainless steel, box-shaped beauty has an attached thermometer, dome lid and large cooking surface. It's constructed with strength, durability and mobility in mind, not to mention the side burner for flame-grilled specialties.
Sear, Sizzle, Serve
A chef is only as good as his or her tools. Therefore, in addition to beautiful barbecues, we also sell several other CADAC products, such as:
Utensils - spatulas, grips, tongs, skewers
Covers - to fit snugly on your barbecue
Accessories - spare regulators, pipes and burners
Niche items - like pizza stones and rotisserie attachments
Contact us today to order your CADAC barbecue or browse through our listings for more grill-tastic offerings.